That's hearsay!

Chances are we’ve all heard someone say, “That’s hearsay!”  Perhaps we’re guilty ourselves of expressing an opinion on the matter.  But frequently what “hearsay” really is is misunderstood—even by…

The Statute of Limitations for Criminal Offenses

Most have heard of the term “statute of limitations.”  And probably when most people think of the term they jokingly associate it with the thought of how much time they must pass before being cleared…

“What am I looking at?” The question of sentencing.

  When I meet clients facing criminal charges, the number one question I almost always get is: “What am I looking at?” Sentencing is the pressing question on the minds of any person accused of…

Character Evidence: Not to be taken lightly

“‘Evidence of good character is substantive and positive evidence, not a mere make weight to be considered in a doubtful case, and, . . . is an independent factor which may of itself engender…

Jury bias sees the light of day

The verdict has come down.  Guilty!  The accused is in disbelief.  The question arises: why did the jury decide this way?  How can this be? As is typical, defense counsel speaks to the jury…